KW Commercial is the most innovative, productive and culturally versed commercial real estate brokerage in the Los Angeles market. KW Commercial offices closed over 4,000 units and had over $4 billion in sales volume in 2020. We are home to some of the top KW Commercial Directors in the nation and our agents has been recognized by CoStar as one of the most influential Commercial Real Estate brokers in Los Angeles.
On the macro level, KW Commercial has over 2,600 directors spanning across the nation which enables you to access a vast network of dedicated real estate professionals. Our knowledgeable, results-driven brokers are backed by the most innovative and scalable technology the commercial real estate industry has to offer.
We have a full service staff waiting to serve all your needs from custom marketing and productivity coaching to transactional and escrow support and corporate level training. To find out more about what makes KW Commercial Los Angeles & SoCal different, contact us for a consultation.
KW Commercial is a CoStar Power Broker
and NMHC Member


We are experienced commercial brokers and a commercial real estate brokerage company that deals with various commercial properties, leasing and business sales dedicated to securing results for your next venture. From expert site selection, sales, leasing, and valuation services for commercial real estate, business owners, and others— we’ve done it all.
As a full-service professional commercial real estate and business brokerage firm, KW Commercial Los Angeles & SoCal, delivers you competent and confidential expertise with the track record to prove it.
KW Commercial Los Angeles & SoCal consist of some of the most influential commercial teams and individual brokers in the Southern California market.

Managing Director KW Commercial & KW Commercial Ambassador for LA Coastal Region 714.292.6478 | jason@jdufault.com DRE# 01844551

Director of Retail and Mixed-used David Yashar Group 310.710.5626 | dyashar@kw.com DRE# 01102638

Director of Multifamily Investments David Yashar Group 310.724.8066 | OSaleh@kw.com DRE# 01980838

National Director of Institutional Assets 323.841.1717 | contact@institutionalassetadvisors.com DRE# 01298757

Managing Director at KW Commercial Institutional Asset Advisors 323.841.1717 | contact@institutionalassetadvisors.com DRE# 01900624

Managing Director at KW Commercial: Acquisition, Disposition & Leasing Rembert & Rowland Real Estate 310.896.1543 | ryan.rembert@kwcommercial.com DRE# 01975525

Managing Director at KW Commercial Rembert & Rowland Real Estate 310.490.7623 | mason.rowland@kwcommercial.com DRE# 02035921

Managing Director KW Commercial 562.716.9236 | stelios@szcre.com DRE# 02049494

Managing Director KW Commercial 562.388.3434 | gsverk@gmail.com DRE# 02121918

Managing Director KW Commercial 562.773.4000 | doug.shea@outlook.com DRE# 00875427

Commercial Real Estate Consultant 562.400.6208 | emmastorey89@gmail.com DRE# 02152792

Managing Director KW Commercial 310.944.5188 | michelebrown@kw.com DRE# 01165450

Managing Director KW Commercial 562.209.0379 | mb4cre@gmail.com DRE# 01467690

Specializing in Commercial investments, and business opportunities 562.243-2120 | dmanoogian@kw.com DRE# 02073210

Managing Director KW Commercial, Specializing in Healthcare Facilities 310.967.9329 | bernadette_realestate@yahoo.com DRE #01110296

Meny Atias
Operating Principal, KW

Phil Atwan
1031 Exchange

Simon Cazares
Broker of Record, KW
Laura Peterson
Real Estate Risk Management

Kim Jordan
Agent Services